Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Statistics • COVID-19 response

COVID-19 response

This website provides a space for the global statistical community to share guidance, actions, tools and best practices to ensure the operational continuity of data programmes by National Statistical Offices, and to address issues of open and timely access to critical data needed by governments and all sectors of society to respond to the global COVID-19 crisis.

Ensuring continuity

Rapid adaptation of data collection, processing and dissemination methods to ensure continuity of key statistical programmes.
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Working remotely

Guidance and possible approaches to address managerial and IT challenges for operational continuity during the emergency situation.
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Data solutions

Guidance and possible approaches for the production of timely data to monitor the evolution and impacts of COVID-19.
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Open data

Resources to support and encourage national statistical offices and other data producers to leverage and use open data.
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Useful links

Initiatives and resources provided by agencies of the UN system and beyond, including the regional economic and social commissions and stakeholders from private sector, academia, and civil society.
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Share experiences

Online webinars and twitter chats to share knowledge and experience on how the statsitical system can respond to the COVID-19 emergency.
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The global COVID-19 crisis is affecting critical operations across the entire global statistical system. National and international statistical organizations need to take immediate action to ensure the continuity of key statistical compilation activities and the continued availability of data to inform emergency mitigation actions by governments and all sectors of society.

Senior management in statistical organizations are working together with their own front-line managers and IT teams, and with partners at the national and global levels, to deal with the current emergency. This includes:

  • Establishing new procedures and workflows, collaborating in virtual teams, and implementing secure remote data access and data exchange capabilities for staff members of National Statistical Offices, providers of data inputs and the users of statistical outputs to remain effectively linked together throughout the statistical value chain.
  • Adapting and innovating data production methods and processes to ensure continuity of major official statistical programmes
  • Addressing the increased need for data openness and accessibility to meet the urgent demand for reliable and accurate information on the spreading and impact of the virus as well as its impact on people's lives and all sectors of the economy.

Stakeholders from across the global statistical community are ready to support National Statistical Offices to address multiple challenges of the current crisis. As part of this effort, the United Nations Statistics Division is leading a collaborative effort with the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data and Open Data Watch, to develop this website to share guidance, best practices, information resources and tools to help statistical organizations function during an emergency situation in which most of their staff is suddenly unable to work on-site.

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